1. Indemnity:
By registering for Science Clinic (Pty) Ltd's services held at the time, date and place/platform reflected/selected on your application form, you agree to the following:
You give permission for your child to be under the supervision and direction of the Science Clinic Team for the duration of the event. For events hosted on site (not online events), students are not permitted to freely roam the premises and/or surrounding areas. Should a student need to leave the building/campus for any reason whatsoever, whether during the session or a break, he/she must first obtain the express permission of the Session Presenter.
While we take precautions to ensure learners' safety during the session, you agree to hold us harmless and you hereby indemnify Science Clinic (Pty) Ltd, any of its employees and/or representatives against any liability caused due to negligence or any other reason resulting in any loss and/or damage to any property and/or injury or death to a person arising from any cause whatsoever. This does not include gross negligence. Should any of the terms of this indemnity be unenforceable, such a terms shall be severed from this indemnity and the balance shall be of full force and effect.
2. Terms of Service:
By registering for Science Clinic (Pty) Ltd's services, you are bound by these provisions:
Science Clinic expects all applicants to treat others with courtesy, consideration, and respect - rudeness and disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated.
In the case of continued disruptive behaviour in on-site events, Science Clinic (Pty) Ltd reserves the right to expell an attendant UPON the third verbal or written warning that is issued by a event presenter or Science Clinic staff. An expelled attendant will not be allowed to partake in any future Science Clinic events and will forfeit their paid fees in full.
Online events are solely accessible to Science Clinic’s clients. The webinar meeting ID, password or any other entry codes may not be shared with a third party or distributed in any way or form.
Online event recordings are the intellectual property of Science Clinic (Pty) Ltd and may not be shared or distributed in any way or form.
Online event participants may only unmute their microphone to address academic questions to the presenter, or to respond to a question which is specifically asked by Science Clinic’s staff.
Online event participants may only use the chat function to address academic questions or responses to the event presenter and/or session administrators. The chat function may not be used for any other comments or discussions.
Online event participants may not annotate or draw any images on the presenter’s screen.
Unless otherwise instructed by a Science Clinic presenters or administrative staff, online event participants must keep their own video camera switched off for the duration of the online event.
Should a course participant breach the terms for online participation, Science Clinic (Pty) Ltd reserves the right to immediately ban of a participant from the online event and expell this participant from any further Science Clinic events (online or otherwise). An expelled participant will forfeit all fees paid to Science Clinic (Pty) Ltd.
3. Cancellation policy:
Science Clinic (Pty) Ltd endeavours to honour its service agreement to workshop applicants. In the unlikely event of a session being cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances rendering it impossible to present the session, applicants will be refunded in full for the cancelled session within five (5) working days of the cancellation notice.
In the event that a course applicant wishes to cancel a seminar attendance, refunds will only be issued in the event that a written notice of cancellation is sent to ops@scienceclinic.co.za at least ten (10) days prior to the respective session.
In the event that a course applicant wishes to move their attendance to a different seminar, a written notice must be sent to ops@scienceclinic.co.za at least five (5) working days before the respective session.
Should a course applicant miss a seminar due to illness (without prior cancellation or move): Full preparation was made for the course applicant to attend the seminar and consequently a refund will not be made. However, a move request which is accompanied by a scanned doctor's letter may be addressed to ops@scienceclinic.co.za up to the Tuesday after the respective seminar.
Science Clinic schedules seminar dates based on historical exam timetables. The possibility exists that Science Clinic may adjust a seminar's date if the company deems such a move to be beneficial for the largest number of affected course attendees. In the event of a date change, course attendees will receive an emailed notification of a date change at least three (3) weeks prior to the original event date. Course attendees that cannot attend the seminar on the new date will be eligible for a refund, provided that they provide a cancellation notice at least ten business days before the event.
If for any reason a seminar has to be moved to a different venue, registered course attendees will be notified of such a venue change via email. Registered course attendees may request a refund if a venue move is in excess of 7km of the originally listed venue.
Under no conditions will a missed attendance or a late cancellation be eligible for a refund.
4. Corporate Disclaimer:
Science Clinic (Pty) Ltd is a private entity and is in no means affiliated with the Universities or institutions that provide venues for the workshops.
Science Clinic (Pty) Ltd provides a supplementary educational service. Even though every care is taken to adhere to the Standard Assessment Guidelines of the respective syllabi, Science Clinic (Pty) Ltd does not operate under the auspices of the South African Department of Education nor that of the Independent Educational Board.
5. Intellectual Property:
The Smart Prep Booklets that are issued during workshops contain the intellectual property of Science Clinic (Pty) Ltd as indicated in the opening folio, and may not be reproduced and/or distributed in any form without written consent from Science Clinic (Pty) Ltd.